Sunday, September 5, 2021

Some Books at the Store

Seems it's Round-up Sunday...

Here are some books at the thrift store.

I just moved books about Trump--once best-sellers at the store--to the Remainder shelf. I wonder if they'll sell at 33 cents each.
A Side-by-Side I'd set up:

I was tickled that this book about fairies, below, had a price sticker from Oxfam, a British "op shop" (opportunity shop/charity store) run by the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief, est. 1942). A first. I wonder how it made its way here.
Oxfam priced it £1.99, I priced it $1.99.

The IG follower who said the "don't plug Baby in" safety sticker was inappropriate should check out the "extreme performance art" of Ron Athey for contrast.
It's fascinating but way too bloody for me--it made me feel woozy. I added a warning note to the book (below, with other books in the closed display case--due to shoplifting/price tag switching):
NOTE: Art contains graphic (disturbing?) images

I love the typefaces on 1950s and especially space-age 1960s book covers:


  1. That Russell Baker cover — typewriter, cigarette, white man looking over his glasses — so much of a (past) time.

  2. MICHAEL: You are so right, I hadn't even thought of that--I guess I still register those sigs as "normal" even though they're 50(?) years old.

  3. P.S. I looked it up--I was right--50 years old; the book was published in 1980.

  4. P.P.S. OMG MY MATH!!! That's 40 years, not 50.
