Thursday, August 12, 2021

That Rockwell Kent Bookplate; "To All Facsists"

That Rockwell Kent Bookplate ^ in my IG round-up today has a fascinating history:
it's a variation of an illustration Rockwell Kent made for an anti-fascism broadside by the
League of American Writers, re the Spanish Civil War, 1937 or '38:
“Fascism has been tried before–under many names. Each time it has failed–and each time its failure has marked an advance of the idea of liberty, equality, fraternity and economic security for all.

Not liberty, equality, fraternity and economic security for one group–or one race–or one religion–or one country–but for all mankind.
In your hearts, fascists, you know this–and in your hearts you are afraid. That is why you must torture and burn and imprison and exile.

Do you really believe that by burning books and imprisoning writers you can keep truth from the world? Do you really think that you can dig a grave or build a prison large enough to hold the spirit of democracy?

Fascists, the grave you are digging is your own. You know it. So do we. That is why we are not afraid.”

-Donald Ogden Stewart, President of the League of American Writers
More info on Kent's politics and this broadside:

Thanks, Art Sparker Susan,  for the nudge to look it up.


  1. This post feels like a booster shot. Thanks!

  2. MICHAEL: Doesn't it? To me, too (feel like a booster shot): We have been here before. You're welcome.

    JOANNE: Nice, eh?

  3. love the bookplate and quote.
