Tuesday, August 3, 2021

“ intellectual integrity enhancement”

Michael commented that given my attitude toward groups, I might like this article in the Chronicle of Higher Ed, “(Dis)Orientation”

I did. Here’s a bit of it:

 “Beneath that tip of crucial information [presented at faculty orientation] lies a much larger mass, the crushing weight of which grinds against everything that we know about our own strengths and talents, and plunges us into the murky depths where lurk such frightening creatures as “the learning-centered syllabus” and “discussion facilitating.”

“I see those phrases on my screen and groan with the memory of interminable orientation sessions, each of which was designed to transform teachers into “facilitators,” classrooms into “technologically enhanced educational environments,” and learning into “information transfer and intellectual integrity enhancement.” 

“Students had become “partners in a discursive exchange of ideas and perspectives,” or, even worse, “clients” in a decentered, diverse community of individuals, each of whose demands were to be intuited, appreciated, and promptly and creatively met by knowledge-acquisition facilitators, those bewildered folks formerly known as teachers.”

1 comment:

River said...

Discussion facilitating? Information transfer and intellectual integrity enhancement?

No wonder the kids of today are so confused.

Plain English please.