Saturday, June 12, 2021

The Colbert Questionert

Oh, how fun! I just found "The Colbert Questionert" via Michael at Orange Crate Art (his answers).

Please, take it too and share your answers, okay?

  1. Best sandwich?

    BLT, on thick sourdough toast, with a slab of cold iceberg lettuce, tomatoes warm from the garden, (mayo, of course, but not too, too much), and bacon spitting hot fat--
    possibly needing to be eaten while standing over a sink to catch the drips, or outside by the hose to wash off.

    On the side, a beer, or an orange pop. Or water from the hose.

  2. What's one thing you own that you really should throw out?

    That one pair of underpants... Why do I still wear it? What if I'm in an accident!?!?!
    I am going to throw it out NOW.

    [Honest--I went and got it out of my underwear drawer. The waistband is worn down to the elastic, with a gaping hole on one side. It will make a beautiful rag.]

    Also, I would like to throw out my attachment to sugar, which seems to own me.

  3. What is the scariest animal?
    Well, obviously, humans.

    But after that, bears, ever since watching Grizzly Man (2005 documentary about a guy who gets eaten by a bear). To a bear, we are just a larger-than-average salmon.

  4. Apples or oranges?

    Oranges! Oranges, oranges, oranges!

    "Does Christmas smell like oranges to you?" --Nashville
    Indeed it does.

  5. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph?

    Um, I think only for pay––at a Star Trek con.
    I paid for George Takei (Mr. Sulu, the navigator of the Enterprise) to sign a photo, and I asked him to inscribe it to my sister and her soon-to-be wife in 2008, when California legalized gay marriage. They were going to be married in San Francisco, and Takei and his partner were to be married that fall too.

  6. What do you think happens when we die?

    We become soil. Life goes on.

  7. Favorite action movie?
    A couple of my favorite movies happen to be action movies: The Seven Samurai, and Galaxy Quest.

  8. Favorite smell?

  9. Least favorite smell?
    Febreze & its ilk (Downy Fabric Softener, etc.).

    "The Floral & Sweet Collection from Febreze removes odors and fills your home with scents straight from the garden."
    Yes, The Flowers of Evil, from the Garden of Capitalist Hell.

    My answer may be influenced from staying in an Airbnb that washes its sheets in this carcinogenic neurotoxin.

    I object to everything about it, including that the odor literally keeps me from sleeping--my body registers it as dangerous, and I keep waking up.
     I washed the sheets & pillowcases in the morning with no laundry products, and that helped for the second night.

  10. Exercise: worth it?

    I don't understand this question.

  11. Flat or sparkling?
    Flat. Tap water, room temperature is fine by me.
    In a glass.
    When and why did we start paying for water in plastic bottles?

  12. Most used app on your phone?
    Hm. That makes me think, I should download Firefox or something.

  13. You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life: what is it?

    "Islands in the Stream", by Dolly Parton, her duet with & Kenny Rogers.
    I love their harmonizing and the simple beat--Marz says it's the "baby rhino beat". (I don't know music, it's 4/4, plunk, plunk, plunk--it's great!)

    "This could be the year for the real thing."

    In real life, this would drive me crazy after a while, but I do love it and can listen to it over and over.
    Also, I love Dolly Parton.

  14. What number am I thinking of?

    That number.

  15. Describe the rest of your life in 5 words?

    Death, disease, destruction, horror, * conversation.

    Cheating a bit here. "Death disease, ...." that's Capt. Kirk describing war, which will stay with us in one form or another, (“The poor you will always have with you” (Matthew 26:11)),
    and we (I) will continue to (need to) rise to the challenge.
    In my case, by means of conversation, in the broadest, wildest senses (including blogging); conversations which is also [one of life's] greatest pleasures and redeeming features.

    Here's Seth MacFarlane doing a pretty good imitation of Kirk saying that


  1. I want to respond to some of your responses:

    2. I need to throw out so many things that are of a familial, generational nature but live in boxes we are storing. Even though my brothers gave me permission to trash most of it, oh, it is difficult.

    5. I've asked for autographs of many writers and appreciate them, even though I know my friends are put on the spot when they have to write to me!

    6. A continuation of what has been happening (which means, the state of being one is experiencing) before death (sans a body afterward). Different for differing people.

    7. I haven't yet watched the Seven Samurai, and I want to, but I love Galaxy Quest!

    9. I completely concur with you on the least favorite smell.

    13. If not my favorite church hymn, about Christ being risen from the dead, it would likely be the movie theme music from CastAway, my favorite movie. Tom Hanks floating off, with his volleyball, Wilson, looking back at his island, while a friendly whale swims nearby.

  2. Grizzly Man: Have you seen it? Would you recommend it?

    1. Yes, I’ve seen it—that’s why I’m afraid of bears! All MY bears would never eat anyone.
      It’s a good movie but I almowish I’d never seen it, so that’s a qualified recommendation

  3. #'s 1-3-6-9-10-11 I am in total agreement! Those would have been my answers too.

  4. I just love watching Colbert give his test.
    What number am I thinking of?
    Answer given.

  5. #4 apples!
    #8 vanilla
    #9 oriental lilies which smell like cat wee to me and I am allergic to them
    #13 I have to pick only one? That's harsh. Make it Mull of Kintyre by Paul McCartney and wings.

  6. Interesting to see your answers. Here are a few of mine. Bacon and egg sandwich, or tuna mayonnaise with cucumber.
    I have a number of favourite films, but the three I have watched the most are
    Spinal Tap, Withnail and I, and About a Boy. I love Galaxy Quest too-we watch that one quite often. Likewise with songs, but one of my most favourite is Are We Human by the Killers. It always makes me sing along and the maeaning isn't clear so I like it for that too. It would be one of my Desert Island Discs.
    Most favourite smell-wet clean cat! They just smell lovely! Least favourite-one of is that of Oil Seed Rape. I agree with you on the febreze type things too! Most used app is Scrabble.

  7. #4 - Appels & Oranjes
    #10 - I'm leaning towards 'no'. Sometimes I wish I were the fitness type, but then I see people injure themselves exercising and feel relieved that I'm not.
    #13 - see #4 (kidding; I can't choose just one!)
    #15 - Hoping something good will happen

  8. Love this! Yes, I'm glad I didn't read yours before I did mine... humans, yes, of course. And the smell of Febreze... also yes. "The Flowers of Evil, from the Garden of Capitalist Hell." Ha!

  9. If Penny Cooper created a questionnaire, I wonder what the questions would be...

  10. THANKS EVERYBODY---I thoroughly enjoyed reading your comments and replies!
    Penny Cooper is wondering, "Where is the air in a question?"
