Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The more, the merrier!

 Ganesh & Garuda join new girlette & The IoP!


  1. she is a very tidy Girlette and hangs with the "right" crowd! I guess the trade did not work out, Child of Prague has his Elvis cape back!

  2. LINDA SUE: The weather warmed up and new girlette said the cape was too hot! (You see she is going sleeveless now.)

    Elvis is happy to have the cape back back because the stand-up lapels (?) frame his head so nicely...

  3. I have never seen a Ganesh or a Garuda in the thrift shops here. New girlette is looking delightfully cool.

  4. RIVER: These puppets are unique in my life! But we do occasionally get Ganesh figures---he is pretty popular among non Hindus (like me) too.
    A friendly helpful god.

    SARAH: THe girlette says her name is Mouse, for the mouse that is Ganesh's friend!
