Monday, October 19, 2020

Halloween Books Display

I started setting aside books for Halloween just a couple weeks ago.
(I don't have much space in my work area to save books for special displays all year long––except Christmas books––so my seasonal displays are always a bit of a mish-mash.)

Below is the book display I put together. 

I chose Purgatory and Hell for their great covers--they are actually Catholic books. Of course All Souls Eve is a Catholic holiday...

Marz left me some of her old masks--they don't have to wear them on the farm because they never see other humans. 
I didn't realize till I took this selfie that this one worn with my blue apron matches the store colors (repainted that bright green with a blue stripe while we were closed).

And... here's Penny Cooper and Pensive Bear at a pumpkin stand yesterday. 


  1. I Am Scrooge: A Zombie Story for Christmas! Do you still have that? I'm sorry I missed seeing it today... It's probably terrible, but I do feel a duty to check out any and all Zombie stories that look like they might have a sense of humor.

  2. We don't do Halloween here, but the stores have bits and pieces of spooky stuff on sale and I love to see other seasonal decorations online.

  3. How fabulous for Marz, to not have to wear a mask. Such freedom!

    Your display worked out really well! That crime stories book looks especially creepy, and the one about the sleepwalker looks intriguing. I've never heard of that author.
