Saturday, October 24, 2020

Around My Neighborhood

 A round-up of photos from around my neighborhood, mostly taken on my bike ride to work.

ABOVE: Women and children putting up on utility poles handmade signs with cheerful slogan (looks like the kids painted them).
The girl on the ladder was using an electric drill to mount a sign reading "Don't Worry Be Happy."

ABOVE: "RE-BUILD" spray-painted on the wall of the post office near me that people burned down after police murdered George Floyd. 

ABOVE: Coffee shops around town have installed to-go windows, where people stand outside to order. This one is at Duck-Duck, near me. The other day I went through a jar of change, collected all the quarters, and stopped and gave them as a gift to the shop, through the window.

I was super happy to bike up to work yesterday (snow on ground!) and see the city has installed a big sharps box by the park next to the thrift store where people hang out and shoot-up.
A coworker said, yeah, it's great--but do you think people will manage to use it?

Well, maybe not. There are trash cans around too, and people don't manage to get all the trash into them.

But it's still a good thing. It signals:
Hey, we acknowledge this is happening, and we in the city care about public health and about you, the person with the needle.

It's connected to the Harm Reduction approach to addiction and public health:

"Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use. Harm Reduction is also a movement for social justice built on a belief in, and respect for, the rights of people who use drugs."


  1. The sharps box is great -- a step in the right direction. Kind of like needle exchange programs.

    I love the coffee window! It's interesting to see how businesses adapt to the pandemic and this bizarre new way of life.

  2. STEVE: Yes, a step in the right direction. Along with others, like needle exchanges, etc.

    I love seeing how innovative some people are being in this pandemic!
    Sadly, we're having an unusually cold October (snow is rare at this time) and a lot of outdoor options are not functioning anymore.

  3. GZ: We have a long ways to go, but it's a good neighborhood in many ways. How this city got such a rotten police department is a tale...

  4. Blue uniform culture- A history. "To serve and protect" is a front. I am so pleased to see the box for sharps. Reality!

  5. I love the coffee window, that would put a smile on anyone's morning face.

  6. I love that those people are putting up positive signs. My neighborhood has mostly felt discouraged and under assault, with little bright bits of energy around helping others. Homemade signs are a nice encouragement. Maybe I should think of something to say...
