Sunday, August 23, 2020

Fine and Lovely

"They are always fine and lovely."
––Instagram comment about the girlettes, from yuuminnmama, a Madeline fan in Japan

Isn't that a great observation? The girlettes were very pleased about it.

A currently-not-fine-and-lovely toy has made its way to SNARP (Stuffed Needy Animal Rescue Project). I pulled it from the garbage yesterday at work, filthy and covered with pet hair. 

Its own fur is similar to Red Bear's.

Here's the Before shot:

 I'd said my Patronus is an otter. This toy says it's an otter too.
What a coincidence!


  1. And such a sad face but I hope it realizes what a lucky otter it is!

    I've been haunting the Salvation Army here for my own SNARP but no such luck yet!


  2. GZ: Definitely

    KIRSTEN: The three thrift stores I've worked/volunteered at NEVER put out the dirty old stuffies---they went right into the bin.
    If you want, I could probably rescue one for you and send it to you in need of restoration!

  3. He sure doesn't LOOK like an otter...oh maybe the nose. I see him sitting sadly on the side of the pool, because he doesn't know how to swim...
    Will be waiting to see what magic you work with him...

  4. Would love a special rescue when the appropriate one shows up!

    I will say the more I look at him, I see an otter.

    The Salvation Army here is a small one and seems to have more leeway of items than most. They tend to have sales on items that may be at the end of the season and generally price the items quite low.

    Last week they had tank tops and camisoles for 49 cents!


  5. Awww. I can't wait to see how he fares after your rescue!

  6. SALLY S: Well, it may or may not actually BE an otter, but it identifies as an otter. :)

  7. Right! There have been improvements in our language and hopefully understanding over the decades, haven't there?
