Monday, August 17, 2020

Dark Hair

I mentioned in passing to a coworker that my hair used to be very dark.
He was surprised.

"I wasn't always gray, sonny," I said.

He explained he'd assumed my hair had been his color--an average brown.

As it happened, a pal had recently messaged me a photo from 1995 (I think) of me--with dark hair--and my friend Barrett, who died in 2011.

I showed my coworker on my phone, and he was amazed.

Aging. It's like looking round a corner with a periscope and then you step around the corner, and--whoops--didn't see that.

This was a little thing, but still, a reminder that I'm in transition between ages. 

Btw, I love my gray hair. I think it's pretty, and I feel more comfortable and safer in the world as an older woman. 


  1. I think gray hair looks really good on some people (including you!). I don't have to deal with the "shock" of watching my hair change, because I keep my head shaved and have since I was about 22. Being bald has its benefits!

  2. Thanks, Steve!
    Your head is nicely shaped and you look good bald.
