Thursday, July 30, 2020

WE WON!!! for... ephemera

OMG!!!! omg omg omg!!!
Unclassifiable printed ephemera --that's ME!!!!

Thank you all who voted, and for your friendship here on l'astronave.

This is the HUGEST boost possible. When I saw it this morning, I was literally shaking with joy and pride for us all at the store!

And for me.
I've felt really worn down at work.

I didn't mention here because I don't want to keep complaining, but despite Big Boss's promise (he'd literally said, "Trust me, I will get you this raise"), I got 36¢/hour LESS pay raise than I'd requested, so I'm still paid 25¢/hour less than the cashier who started in January.

I wrote just now to management saying,
"What must I do to prove my worth? Please reconsider and pay me the little bit more I asked for."

But, the uppity-ups notwithstanding...

Gotta go now...


  1. Congrats to the store and its people!

    I think that anything that gets called "ephemera" is ultimately, somehow, classifiable.

  2. job well done, congratulations - you deserve a million dollars!

  3. Excellent and congratulations! I wish I could visit your store! Hope you get the raise. You deserve it and more!

  4. How exciting! That's awesome! I love seeing your photos of your book section here on your blog, so I'm sure visiting would be even more amazing.

  5. MICHAEL: Thanks!
    Funny they said "unclassifiable ephemera:... I hadn't thought of it till you pointed it out, but of course as a librarian, I agree it's all classifiable---letters, travel brochures, museum entrance tickets, playbills, airplane tickets, etc.

    Maybe they meant something more like "random"?

    LINDA SUE: Well, my boss did say I'd get the extra 36¢/hour, so that'll add up to a million eventually... (Ha!)

    SARAH: Thank you! I wish you were in town, not so much to visit the store per se, but so I could give you some of the old dolls and things that get thrown out.
    (THough I think you do not need more stuff, right, as you are trying to clear out...)

    STEVE: Thanks! I do feel awesome about our win.
    The BOOK's section really is a little bookstore, and like all used stores, the fun is in how it changes all the time.
    I appreciate their continued existence, but I don't really enjoy Barnes & Noble---always the same (clean) stock, plus new releases...
