Monday, July 27, 2020

Undaunted, Episode 2: Penny Cooper, Rescue on the Rock Face

Penny Cooper has gone back in time to Great Britain during WWII.
She and her new friends act fast when Ivy, one of the evacuees from London, slips during an outing along an unfamiliar path.

Lion can't move, he's so sick with relief.


  1. whew, close call! Glad the story ended well.

  2. Quick thinking and teamwork for the win!

  3. Thanks for your comments, Linda Sue & Michael!

    I think the girlettes were influenced by tales of Lassie...

  4. Well done Penny! Hope Lion recovered quickly!

  5. SARAH: Lion didn't recover fully until Linda Sue's package arrived and he made friends with a mouse in a teacup! JUST the ticket.

  6. Glad Lion has the new teacup mouse to be friends with. I’m sure showing the mouse the lay of the land has restored his equilibrium: he is a helper by nature, abet a timid one. Without Daryl to rely on, he has proved to himself he can be brave! Roar! Roar!
