Monday, July 6, 2020

At the Train Station

OOooh! The Penny Cooper in the Blitz project is juuuust starting to take shape. TONS left to do. I'm slow to do it, and no expert--but the story is coming alive. 

Here's a glimpse of two girlette evacuees at the train station. (B84 and Ivy, with Lion.)

The pink wool comes from a vintage hand-sewn skirt from the thrift store. It's an A-line skirt, tiny waist--I'm pretty sure it's from the 1940s.

I wish I had a bit of rose-pink velvet for their collars.
But my guideline is to use what I have at hand, and to get it done while I'm house sitting (6 weeks). I'm not going to try too hard to hide the supports, the "special effects." (Like the hair elastic Ivy's foot rests on here.) 
Posing the girlettes takes some doing--they don't like to stand still. Once they're in place, best to shoot the photo before they change position and not worry about the props too much.