Saturday, May 23, 2020

Real Life Girlettes

These are girls, not girlettes, but they remind me of the little reds. Those faces!

1905, on Mississippi River Harriet Island, St. Paul, Minnesota


  1. That hat!

    I bet these real girls would have loved the Girlettes.

  2. CROW: Yes, the hat! The Girlettes especially want that striped dress too...

  3. Did you notice, too, how deep the skirt's hem is? My mom used to make our dresses and she always made the hems at least three inches deep, so she could lengthen the skirt as we grew taller.

    She learned to sew during the Great Depression, when fabric, even inexpensive cotton and sack cloth, was expensive. I remember a dress she made for me when I was ten, made of chicken feed sacks. The sacks were printed with a red floral pattern on unbleached muslin.

  4. That’s a great picture!
