Thursday, May 21, 2020

Dolls on the Rise

When I was little, I had an old (even then) composition doll called Blinky that I liked, but I've always cared much more about stuffed animals. Until now. 

So many amazing, old dolls get donated to the store. The sorters usually throw out anything dirty and broken--the best ones! I've started to rescue some.

(The sorters save the non-alive,
pristine porcelain ones--scam collectibles--the sort you see advertised in women's magazines:
"Only three payments of $39 each!")

Here are some of the ones who've come home with me. 

The Mars explorer is not a reject.

Below are some of the toys and things on my desk at work--all things donated to the store, except the Flying Tiger, who I brought in.

Do I like Captain America?
I admit, I do.


  1. I love those dolls! Some people have the worst taste!

    I never did like those collectible ones.


  2. Who DOESN'T like Chris Evans?!

    It must be a lot of fun to salvage things that would otherwise be trashed. Although I fear I'd wind up with shelves and shelves of stuff that way! LOL

  3. KIRSTEN: Some of the volunteers in Housewares prefer bright and pristine things--whoever put a tarnished sterling silver dish in metal recycling...

    STEVE: Right? Chris Evans is beautiful and seems to be a good guy.

    I would rather not bring home too much stuff, but I don't want it to be thrown, that's for sure.
