Monday, April 6, 2020

"How am I going to be an optimist about this?"

"Does it almost feel like you've been here before?
How am I going to be an optimist about this?"

--"Pompeii" (2014) by Bastille,
in fanvid of The Martian:

A couple months ago I reconnected with a guy I knew forty years ago. He, Tom, is now doing research in aeronautics and in our email exchanges he happened to mention something about how The Martian was scientifically accurate.

I'd seen the movie when it came out in 2015 and it certainly had seemed to me like a big, fun ad for STEM.
(Similarly, Contagion, 2011 (Matt Damon is in both movies) was a giant Public Health Warning-- too bad certain leaders dismissed such warnings.)

It happened that a copy of the novel The Martian by Andy Weir got donated to the thrift store shortly before we closed for the pandemic, and because Tom had mentioned it, I grabbed it.
I'm glad I did--I started reading it last night, and it's just perfect for now. As in the movie, the astronaut stranded on Mars is funny, resourceful, and realistic.

How am I going to be an optimist about this?
Humor, skill, realism, and...
"Also, I have duct tape. Ordinary duct tape, like you buy at a hardware store. Turns out even NASA can’t improve on duct tape.”
I just taped a little "thank you" note to the garbage can. I used painter's tape--no need to overdo it and waste duct tape. I might need it later...
 (That's HM's dog looking out the gate.)


  1. What a good thing to do! (Thank you to garbage people). I just put ours out tonight but I'll try to remember for next week. As I put it out I thought of them and hope they're wearing masks and gloves, but I doubt it.

  2. SALLY: Yes, the garbage workers are doing crucial work! As always...
    They should probably always wear protective gear in any season--now I can't remember if they usually do.
