Tuesday, March 24, 2020

First Cloth Face-Mask Done!

Bloody h---, that took a long time.
Next time it should be quicker---to begin with, I won't bother using the sewing machine to sew the thick pleats, so that'll save time on changing the broken needle...
Also, maybe won't bother making using two different patterned fabrics for the different sides--cute, but time consuming.

It's more time consuming, but I prefer cloth ties to elastic. (As Leonard Nimoy could tell you, elastic on your ears hurts after a couple hours...)
Oh--my sister just commented on FB that some people are allergic to elastic too.

Link to face-mask pattern, from Sew Good (a bit more involved than it needs to be):

1 comment:

  1. That is definitely better made and more stylish than any of the masks I've been seeing!
