Tuesday, December 24, 2019

On Solstice, Onward

Penny Cooper (in two shoes!), roasting mini-marshmallows at the Winter Solstice bonfire

(This is maybe my favorite Orphan Red photo so far.)

Today is the day before Christmas. I'm going to see the last Star Wars movie with bink in twenty minutes.
The Rise of Skywalker is number nine, you know, in a nine-movie series. 

I'm not much of a Star Wars fan. I saw the first one when it came out in 1977, when I was sixteen, and then the next two. I dropped the ball on the prequels (and so did George Lucas).

I've liked these recent ones with the new hero Rey. She's sort of a Red Hair Girl...
This last one hasn't gotten very good reviews, but I want to see the end of a forty-some-year story cycle.  

Watching time move in real-time...
Last week I saw 63 Up, the latest in the British 7-Up series. The participants are five years older than me--close enough. I'd known one had died, but not that another one has a terminal illness.
I left the movie theater feeling sad, and also wondering (again) about how I am aging and how I want to be aging.

Moving house was hard---but shaking off seventeen years of inertia has been good.

Are there other things I want to shake up? Or, maybe I'm good going on as I am? I think maybe yes, I am good.

And so are you! Good!
Merry Christmas and everything to you and yours!
XO Fresca


  1. Sweet photo. And good safety habits with the long dowel.

    We went to a solstice thing on Saturday — second one for me, tenth (we think) for Elaine. They’re good.

  2. MICHAEL: Penny Cooper always practices good safety habits. She's a crossing guard captain, you know. :)
