Friday, November 29, 2019

The House (Is Clean)

HouseMate was very sick––dangerously so––for almost a month . . . with spores (honest to god, they were antibacterial resistant plant spores similar to anthrax (!) that infected her shin when she gashed it on a rough clay pot). When she came home after a week in the hospital, the living room became something of a sick room. Naturally, cleaning house took a distant tenth place in order of importance.

Yesterday, Thanksgiving, HM sprang from her sickbed, feeling almost well, and together we cleaned the house
It's now as clean as it's ever going to be (in this incarnation).

  I had my first dinner party yesterday--bink, Maura, and Marz came over for Thanksgiving, while HM went to her son's in-laws.

Thanksgiving Dinner

Here's where the house is at, as of yesterday:

I got a wreath for the front door at the thrift store. $1.99.
I hadn't realized, though, the door is metal, so then I spent $6.99 at the hardware store for a heavy-duty magnetic hook.

The Living Room.
The dog is looking wary because he doesn't like cameras (or any of the activities of cleaning).

Dining Room, set up for Thanksgiving Dinner:

The awkward kitchen. Terrible layout. Considering the kitchen in my former place was tucked into the corner of a room, it's an improvement.

 The bathroom needs help too, but it functions. After the apocalypse I will look back at it longingly.
"Sure the water pressure was low, but...".

Aaaaand.... I'm moving my bedroom, across the hall––swapping with the guest room. 

My original room is over the furnace, which comes on like a freight train, so I started sleeping in the guest room, then realized it's a much brighter room than I'd thought, and I'd rather have it.
It is currently under construction.

I will be replacing the board across the "piano windows" (or transom windows, I think) with glass windows---they will look into the east-facing front porch.

I hope to finish the swap this weekend, but today, it's back to work.


  1. What a lovely house! So much life in it!

  2. That is a beautiful place to live. Definitely a home

  3. Thanksgivng was great! Thank you so much for making it a warm, welcoming, and tasty event!

  4. I have never heard of being infected by spores. That sounds very creepy.

    What a great house! I love those transom windows. They'll be terrific when the board is gone.
