Sunday, November 3, 2019

Girlettes on Vacation

Best visit with auntie in years, thanks to the procurement of hearing aids!!!

Also, a matador suit for SweePo (bink helping, here):

 Girlettes claim their hotel bed—the best one, with a view:

And a stop at House on the Rock’s Infinity Room:

 Penny Cooper, correct as always:


  1. Hearing aids! Hooray! So glad you all had a good visit. <3

  2. The visit looks to have been a success and the girlettes appear to be having a ball!

    Having had a neighbor who refused to wear his hearing aid and insisted on me writing things down (but always seemed to be able to hear good news!), for someone to use one really helps socializing.


  3. These pictures sum up the trip nicely!
