Wednesday, September 11, 2019

You Can Read If You Want To

^ Graffiti at my new bus stop near work.
I hear, "You can read if you want to," set to "Safety Dance".
"We can go where we want to, 
a place where they will never find...
Your friends don't read, and if they don't read, 
Well, they're no friends of mine."

A few books from work.

The Story of a Bad Boy (1870) "is a semi-autobiographical novel by American writer Thomas Bailey Aldrich, fictionalizing his experiences as a boy in Portsmouth, New Hampshire." –Wikipedia
^ Bad Girl (1928), a romance set in New York, was made into a American Pre-Code film in 1931. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture.
You can
watch it on YouTube.

The title is the name of the shortest street in Paris, Rue du Chat-Qui-Pe^che--The Street of the Fishing Cat:

From 1936 Kirkus Review:
Story of a young woman and her family, who migrate from Hungary to Paris  in the 1920s. "
The whole story is a commentary on the dangers of nationalism, the problems of social barriers.