Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Nefarious! What I'm Reading

Finally I am settled in enough at my new place to start reading again. Mostly lightweight stuff (haven't gotten back to Jane Addams), including, since I have a kitchen, cookery books.

Nick Hornby's Funny Girl was a pleasant story with a happy ending, as you'd expect, and a bit interesting too--it's about a young woman in British comedy as it moved from radio to TV in the early 1960s. It would have resonated with me more if I knew the history.

Speaking of serious, living with Patti is a bit like living with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German pastor who resisted the rise of Nazism from its early days in power. 
That is, Patti's someone who takes action based on her religious and political concerns. Always has, but now that means the rise of ... not sure what she'd call it... American fascism? 

Among other activities, for instance, in November she's going to the protest in Fort Benning, home of the notorious School of the Americas--her second time there, though she was politically active during the time of Oscar Romero too.

I don't see myself becoming politically active––the face-to-face work at the store fits the bill for me–– but I'm happy to house sit her dog, Prince. 
Every activist with a dog needs a friendly sitter!

From the "Socialist, Feminist, Anti-Racist" publication, Solidarity:
(with the recognizably heated language of such publications--nefarious!)
"No Classes for Torture! Protests Escalate Against 'School of the Americas'” ––Anne Schenk
SPURRED BY AN enormous and unexpected victory in Congress, thousands of protesters will gather later this year at the gates of Fort Benning, GA to demand the closure of the U.S. Army School of the Americas (SOA), a military facility that provides training for Latin American and Caribbean soldiers and officers.

The November 20-21 event will mark the anniversary of the murder of Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero, who was assassinated in 1983 by SOA graduates.
An amendment to eliminate much of the funding for the School was adopted by a Congressional committee during the summer appropriations process offers an important opportunity to terminate this nefarious institution."

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you reading.
    The rise of the right wing in politics everywhere is perturbing.
