Sunday, September 1, 2019

Making a Home

The air in my new place now smells of fresh basil and baked apples instead of vinegar and other cleaning products.

bink took me to the farmers' market this morning. When I got home and started chopping veg for ratatouille, I immediately felt, Now I live here. I'd slept three nights in my new place, but I hadn't cooked anything until this afternoon, and I've been feeling sort of homeless. Cooking was the key.

Red Hair Girl is too reckless to handle knives, and SweePo is too young. Penny Cooper knows all about knife safety, and keeps her little toes well back from the chopping area.

I bought local apples too, and baked them in rum and brown sugar.

Patti came home just as I was finishing up, and we had our first meal together in this house. 

It's happening. I'm living somewhere else.


  1. Definitely happy house!

    And a thought to remember the next time I move. Cooking something at the new place that I really like to make myself feel welcome!


  2. THank you , all---yes, a glimpse of a happy house.
