Tuesday, September 10, 2019

A Little Super

I'm heading off to work in 15 minutes... 

I've been so distracted & overwhelmed with moving and work for the last month, I feel kind of blank in the brain.
Blogging should help...

Uh, let's see. I can report that I like living with a toaster again. I'd never devoted space to a toaster in my Kitchen in a Corner. Cinnamon-raisin toast with peanut butter this morning. 

My new dusty-pink mug from IKEA matches Sparkle's dress. 

The Reds now want to be known as girlettes. They got the idea from the nearby corner store, Dokken's Superette.

Superette--isn't that a great word?
A little super.

The store's awning still advertises VIDEOS, along with MILK and other things. 

Today after work, I pick up my bike--the one I got from bink. It's getting a new back wheel, after someone stole the old one, when my bike was parked in front of the thrift store last week. 
Luckily I live near four bus lines and a light rail stop. 

The wheel was quick-release (doesn't need a tool to remove), and I knew I should replace it with a bolt, but hadn't gotten around to it...
The sort of bad decision you make when you're distracted and overwhelmed.

The store is in a poor and crowded neighborhood. Anything that's not nailed down does not stay in place long.
The day my wheel was stolen, I saw a guy surreptitiously selling packs of frozen meat out of the back seat of his car. 
It's like that.


  1. Girlettes is a great name for your gang of Reds!

    by the way, your verification code seems to be going crazy! The last couple times I've left a comment it made be verify page after page...today about 8, but last time about 20! And I know I didn't get that many wrong!

  2. Sorry about that---is it better now?
