Monday, June 17, 2019

Up on the Roof

Another song for my Happy Playlist: "Up on the Roof" by The Drifters. Gosh, looking it up, I see Carole King co-wrote it and played piano on this original 1962 recording.

And here I am, truly "right smack dab in the middle of town"--on the rooftop deck of the downtown YM, where I'm writing on my laptop--photo right––the green strip on the horizon behind me marks the Mississippi River (north).
On the left, behind me is the IDS, the tallest building in town.

This rooftop is one of the reasons I signed up for a year membership back in January, but I haven't been back to the Y (a bit embarrassed to say) since that personal training session in April left my hands in pain for a week.

Today I swam a few laps and took a whirlpool--mostly I wanted to work out the dust and creaks in my joints that I get from work.
Oh--PLUS, I climbed five flights of stairs to get the this roof. There's an elevator, but why am I even here, right?

Off to work now.

1 comment:

  1. "Up on the roof" is a great summer song. There are certain songs that I will always associate with summer mainly because they were the one song in rotation on the Top 40 stations.

    Try Laura Nyro's version on youtube. So different than the Drifters version.

    Or how about Red Rubber Ball or Turn-Down Day by The Cyrkle? Or Palisades Park? Or "A Summer Song" by Chad and Jeremy.

    Growing up in Kansas, we had very limited AM radio so I resorted to listening to WLS from Chicago or KOMA from Oklahoma City on my transistor radio under my pillow at night.

