Monday, June 24, 2019

"The Least of These"

What then should we do?

Mostly I post pictures of thrift on the thrift store's FB page. 
Every few weeks, I post something about the Society of SVDP's mission--to be guided by Gospel values-- specifically the verse where Jesus says, 
"Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
--Gospel of Matthew, 40
Sometimes this verse is translated, "Whatever you did TO the least of these...", which has a different spin than "for the least".

This morning I posted this illustration of the gospel verse, "The Corporal Works of Mercy", by Meinrad Craighead for The Catholic Worker newspaper, founded by Dorothy Day in the 1930s.

How to Help Unaccompanied Refugee Children at the US Border
One possible thing: learn more at the Women's Refugee Commission, and donate:
"For 30 years, the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) has been on the front lines of ensuring the rights and protections of displaced women and children. Our work transforms the lives of women, their families, and their communities—from the current crisis at the U.S. border to conflicts around the world."


  1. Funny sometimes how thoughts and actions separate people take coincide. This morning I was doing research about the children in these camps, thinking about how I could make my life benefit others with the time I have left, and you post an answer.

    (I received the Singer dressmaking booklet last week - Tuesday, to be precise; thank you. I am glad to have it for there are a number of techniques I didn't know how to do, despite the years I've been sewing! Maybe it will help me use those skills to serve the children in some way.)

  2. A few other worthy organizations: Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, The Florence Project, Kids in Need of Defense, The Texas Civil Rights Project, and The Young Center. I made a donation to the Young Center last year and will be making another one tonight. Your post was a helpful reminder to put some money where my mind is.
