Sunday, June 9, 2019

Rainy Sunday at Campaign Headquarters

A rainy Sunday afternoon at the Penny Cooper 2020 campaign headquarters, at The Back of the Couch.

The Orphan Reds had wanted to have a parade today, but they don't want to expose the fab poster made for them by Art Sparker to the inclement weather.

It's chilly too, a weird-for-June 62ºF.
I turned on the oven and am baking turmeric tofu. (Easiest thing ever---cut tofu into chunks, toss with oil & spices, bake 30 min.)

New Roost for Rhino

I didn't want to keep the ceramic rhino, so I put it out in the alley for someone to take. 
That turned out to be my landlord/house-neighbor Scott, who mounted it on a pole (rhino is a coin bank, with a hole underneath) at the edge of his garden, looking over the fence.
I couldn't be happier!

Here is Rhino as I biked off down the alley this morning, going to meet bink for coffee:

New Decorations for Yellowstone Bear

At the coffee shop, I sewed a beaded decoration onto one of the Yellowstone bears:
I have a dozen of these bears, in various stages of re-decoration. This is the first one I repaired, last year. When some flat, beaded ornaments (like, for skating costumes?) came into the store, I immediately thought of these bears. First one up:

New School for Me?

I'm not, not, not committed to this, but I'm thinking of taking some computery designy classes... 
The community college downtown here is very good (and it's only a couple miles from me). They offer continuing ed. Microsoft application classes, and a series of classes in Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign). 
If you take all the Adobe classes, you get a Graphic Design Certificate. Looks like that'd take a year? Not sure...
I need to look into it more.

I've never taken formal computer (or design) classes--my (now outdated) computer knowledge, such as it is, came piecemeal.
Often, I was motivated by love:
I stayed up all night wrestling with iMovie to make my first Star Trek fanvid (made with stills), and posted it in the early morning of  

 [looks it up]
. . . OMG, on the morning of June 26, 2008. That's eleven years ago!

I just rewatched it for the first time in a long while. It made me laugh, so here it is.
(The music is "Jazzy Bach", by Ben Charest--I know it from The Triplets of Belleville).


Learning more about computer design appeals to me--personally, and possibly professionally.

Design and communications are parts of my job I like--parts I've taken on for myself. If I add some computer knowledge to what I already know and do, I can imagine doing more of that for pay
. . . though not in this job!

When I think about trying to improve this workplace, I picture pouring too much of something into a funnel with a narrow neck---it backs up and overflows. (Like our old plumbing.)

Well, how bout that? I googled "pouring too much stuff into a funnel images", and it's a concept teachers talk about.

(I'm not worried about "losing control", we just don't have the capacity to handle more nor, at the moment, the know-how to widen the neck.)

Computer/design classes... just an idea. But it's appealing, thinking about learning new things. If not this, something. It's wonderful even to be thinking in these terms.

Yay, possibilities!


  1. Has Penny Cooper registered to be on the ballot in NH? I think she needs to do so by late November. ; )

    Rhino looks very happy in the new home! I am still trying to figure out where I have seen him before - a book?

    Perhaps the beads on Yellowstone Bear are the mulberries he got into while walking in the woods.


    ps Re book photos. I forgot to add that i like them as they show the books not used as a backdrop for someone. Us true bookaphiles love photos of the books as we are always trying to see what we may have missed.

    Penny Cooper and her staff are too small to do all the work of registering and things like that, and at the moment they only have one pencil. So, I think she is going to be a write-in candidate...

    I had the same feeling of distant recognition of Rhino--I found a couple online but with no info--just the guess that he's from the 1960s, which seems right to me.

    Mulberries! Yes, Bear loves berries!

    I know what you mean, too, about liking photos of books as themselves--I am always trying to read the bookshelves behind people in photos!

  3. Funny movie. I can identify with the iMovie struggle. iMovie is the iTunes of movie-making software.

    Is that a cassette recorder on the strap in the photo at campaign headquarters? Is someone (armadillo? dinosaur?) being interviewed?

  4. MICHAEL: Glad the movie amused.

    The thing Low is holding that looks like a cassette recorder is a Star Trek tricorder, which can do everything--like a sort of iPhone--including recording.
    The yellow creature is one of the 1964 World Fair mold-o-rama Sinclair dinosaurs--it is an Ankylosaurus

  5. P.S. I wish I knew what the dino was saying...
