Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Penny Cooper Prescription

Penny Cooper is holding a paper towel with handwritten health directions, including "lose 10% of body weight for health" and "youtube 17 year olds and rotary phone".

Penny Cooper loves lists, but she did not write this one––my doctor did. I went in for a worrisome ache, and she said, "good news: it's just age".

Good news in that it's not cancer or something like that, that is. 
I know I can do more to counterbalance the effects of age. 

My doctor is my age––I like her and we always laugh a lot. 
I said, "Well, . . . and extra body weight adds to the effects of age and gravity".

Of course she agreed, but I like that it wasn't she who said it, (as if I didn't know). 

I asked if she'd write out some of the things we'd talked about, and she said she would add them to the visit notes to be printed out.

"No," I said, "would you write them on paper, like the way doctors used to have a prescription pad?"

She laughed and got up and took a paper towel from the dispenser on the wall––the only paper in the room.

She recommended laughter too--hence the youtube of teenagers trying to figure out how to use a rotary phone.
I thought it was more interesting than funny:
primate problem-solving in action.

I am starting with this one part of the prescription:
"Try to avoid or limit white flour".

If I could, that would eliminate the donated bakery crap at the store that I have a hard time walking away from.
We'll see... I never seem to get far with my health schemes for long, but I also believe that repeated efforts (to move more and eat beautiful foods) help. 
And age is my friend---it is nudging me: "You want to do this."

I do!

Try, try again.

I didn't go back to the young (23?) personal trainer I'd seen twice--the one I said was rather chilly. She had Ernest Hemingway tattoos, which illustrates her attitude––people who admire EH are, what?
Given to admiring the beautiful macho?

And here I am, telling her I have arthritis in my hands.
She simply disregarded that information, and had me do weight-lifting exercises that relied on my hands as fulcrums.

My hands ached for a week afterward.

I still have 3 sessions left at the YM, so I'll try someone else, and know to say no to exercises that are heavy on my hands.  

The Reds, meanwhile, are eating a strawberry tart--you can see it in the bucket of the frontloader.


  1. I totally approve of not going back to the personal trainer that thinks that a macho attitude is the best known cure for arthritis. :-P

    Were the Reds pleased with the strawberry tart?

  2. Definitely no going back to that trainer! When I find that people ignore what I have specifically told them about myself or my dog, and they proceed to ignore it, it's walkaway time.

    Yes, age is so much fun at times. My sister and I always tell each other - a body in motion stays in motion.

    Maybe pick a day to enjoy a donut. I used to do that when I worked for a trade association-one day a week I would have lunch out but the rest of the time I brought my lunch.


  3. ps. Re the 10%, that is also the amount they recommend for pets like dogs and cats. They live longer at a lesser weight and is easier on their backs.

    Same is probably true for us humans!


  4. On a different note: I like the video of those guys figuring out a phone, especially the way they "reset" the phone between attempts.

    I may have mentioned this before: years ago my kids gave me a rotary phone (bought at a thrift store!), which I used it in my office at school. When a student noticed it, I'd invite them to take out their cell phone and call so that they could hear the ring. I had it set at the loudest volume (eleven).

  5. The Red (and Queen Celeste) look like they are having a very busy and enjoyable day...deservedly topped off with a fruit tart.

    I think Kirsten suggestion for factoring in treats is a good one. That's what I try to do and it truly does help keep me on track. But it can't be trigger foods for cookies are really hard for me to eat just one of (the white flour + lots of sugar thing?) but I can be pretty content with a small amount of dark chocolate.

  6. TORORO: LOL--yes, machismo & arthritis are not a good match.

    The Reds loved the tart!
    "It's red, like us," they said.
    Also, because they don't *actually* eat, they CAN eat their cake and have it too!

    KIRSTEN: Good point--take care of yourself as if you were your own beloved pet!
    Donuts get donated on Fridays--maybe that could be my day to eat one.

    MICHAEL: Eleven... Heh. Good one.
    The boys were so smart, figuring out the alien technology!

    BINK: You're totally right about avoiding trigger foods!
    Could I eat just ONE donut?
    Maybe if I were already full---I find that eating good, full meals helps me cut down on binge snacking...
    On we go!
