Thursday, May 23, 2019

Crabbiness Abatement

I want to record for the record that am I crabby this morning. 
Boy am I ever. 
 I dredged up this GIF I've found calming in the past, but right now it's just irritating me. 
I'm posting it anyway--for the me who will find it calming in the future. (Probably even soon.) Or for you!

This crabbiness is like the head cold of emotions.
It's not terminal. It'll pass.
I am standing back and witnessing how crabby I am, and while I can laugh about it, which is good, I have to say, it's pretty thick and sticky right now.

This is partly because I haven't been doing my own work for a while––toys, sewing, writing. Today is my day off, and work annoyance has opportunistically seeped into the space left open. 

I want to leave work at work, and do my own stuff on my time. But when you're crabby, it's hard to even want to start something creative. A bad loop.
I decided at least I could blog about my annoyance--that's mine!
My annoyance is my creative output of the day.

There, I made myself smile.
I can't get up to making something, but I can get up and go walk around the lake. (The first of a chain of three lakes starts a mile away, with public land and pathways all around.)

It's been a rainy May: outside is washed, and flowering trees at the lake will be in bloom--lilacs and crab apples.
I will take some Orphan Reds along.

I've mentioned haven't I, that Penny Cooper is planning to announce her candidacy, Penny Cooper 2020?

She is working on slogans.
I like Penny Cooper, Super Duper, but she thinks it's not dignified enough.
She likes the jingle Mz wrote:
"Penny Cooper, She's a Trooper".

OK, enough of this. Thank you for listening [as it were]. I am going to go outside now.