Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The Jell-O Wobbles

I'm sore this morning!
Even though the personal trainer only took me through a few reps of basic moves yesterday––squat, lunge, step-ups––that was more concerted exercise than I've done in ages.

And then I went and moved shelving at work all afternoon, so it's no wonder I feel a bit wobbly.

I splurged and bought four hours of personal training. It's cheaper that way, but still a horrendous $60/hour. 

Every so often on this blog I've written about efforts to get stronger, and they always taper off.
But I know I CAN stick with it, because for many years I did. (Then fell off after gallbladder surgery in 2009--ten years ago! and haven't been able to get back into a workable rhythym...)
I hope that meeting with this trainer every-other week for two months will help.

Battling Entropy

I was working with our Supervolunteer, Mike, helping him rearrange an area.
I've mentioned before that he had trained as a landscape architect. He's a maniac for improving the design of the store to be more attractive and more efficient. I entirely approve.
Phelps Wyman, 1922 , via Minneapolis Park History 
Mike started volunteering just a few months ago, after he retired early from a job in state government (something in environment).

I worry he'll leave soon. His complaints are mine, and even sound like mine:
wails of,"Why don't we ____________????" 

When I came in, he went on a rant because many of the changes he makes come to nothing:
yesterday, ironing boards blocked access to the LP records we'd rearranged...
The Big Jell-O

In his rant, Mike went further than me in identifying Big Boss as the source of the problems. I have to agree.

Big Boss has many strengths, but they weaken as his responsibilities have extended. (Soon after I started he was promoted from store manager to co-executive director of the entire organization.) His job is like a molded Jell-O that has gotten so big the surface tension fails.
We need external supports––flying buttresses, or written procedures, but they don't look likely to be forthcoming.

I deal with this by staying in my BOOK'S department, where my coworkers, including Big Boss, don't wander.
(I think books are inert objects to most of them.)

I took this selfie to send to my auntie, and while I'm hamming it up a bit, I am truly very happy being Custodian of Books.


  1. Your job is a yeasty combo of work and jousting for territory

  2. Yes, the stuff wars are made of! (That's why I'm TRYING to stay out of it.)
