Thursday, April 4, 2019

More, Better, LESS

Aren't these pre-Internet guides wonderful? I especially love the old-fashioned futuristic computer font of 20,000 words.


  1. It's interesting how there used to be entire books about how to write a letter correctly. But there's nothing now on how to write e-mails, is there? They're inherently less formal, I guess.

  2. STEVE: Does your library teach Social Etiquette on Your Phone or some such thing?

    I googled, and there are lots of books on How to Write an Email, and there are even more articles, etc. ONLINE (youTube, wikihow, etc.).
    Biggest tip:
    email is never private.

    How many people follow that? (I don't.)

    I imagine you and I are old enough such books/articles fly under our radar.
    I mostly just transferred my letter writing style to email.

    On Monday, January 10, 2005, our own Orange Crate Art wrote
    "How to e-mail a professor"
    and thirteen years later added this preface:

    "[By a professor, for students. As of May 2018, this post has been visited by more than 675,000 readers from 135 countries and territories. Hello, world.]"

  3. I came to leave a comment and didn’t expect to find that I was already here. LOL.

    My comment: The sample letters in those letter-writing handbooks are a hoot and a half. Please share any you think worth sharing.

  4. Good idea, Michael! I have been off for a couple days--I hope the letter-writitng book hasn't sold, so I can report back.
