Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Uses of Ice-Cream

The little freezer of my new fridge doesn't keep ice-cream frozen, so I put the pint I bought this afternoon on the back porch in the fresh snow. 
The Orphan Reds spied the ice cream and mounted an expedition.

Red Hair Girl put on an extra velvet jacket, and the others dressed up in stuffed animals (empty ones waiting for re-stuffing) (no toys were harmed).

They cleared space so they could open the ice-cream.

They took the lid off...

 But not for the reason I thought...

SweePo skipped the lid and rolled down the hill.

Coming in fast! Can't stop!


  1. Michael: They have so much fun. (I hope one day your grandbaby Talia can play in the snow.)

  2. Hello all.
    Came here (quite some time ago) for the topics shared with "Orange Crate Arts", stayed for the Reds.
    Have much fun with the snow!

  3. Loved the "no toys were harmed."

    Whee indeed!


  4. What a fun series! I love how they are clearing off the space to open the ice cream. And what a fun day of adventure for the Reds. I should drag a sled out somewhere. Right now I see more snow and all I can think of is more shoveling and lousy driving. I need to do something fun with the snow too.

  5. TORORO: THANK YOU! That is so nice & fun to hear!
    I told the Reds, and they were like, "Well, of course."

    KIRSTEN: Someone had said on FB that Penny Cooper's squirrel coat was slightly disturbing, so I thought I should emphasize it was mutual!

    BINK: Play in the snow!!! The girls will play with you too.
