Thursday, February 14, 2019

Arty Rats Diorama

Correspondent Kirsten has sent me several sets of photos of the changing dioramas in windows at street level, created by a woman named Hattie.
The toy rats are always looking in from the outside.

Here is this month's diorama--a visit to the National Museum of Women in the Arts.

 Recognize the little people looking at the paintings?

More to come.
Thank you, Kirsten!


  1. The man with his back to us looks like Magritte. The woman in green: no guitar, so it can’t be Fräulein Maria. Mrs. Froy from Hitchcock? Miss Marple? I was going to guess that the third one is one of Picasso’s saltimbanques, but too colorful. One of the Vatican’s Swiss Guard?

  2. And whoever they are, this is really imaginative work.

  3. Are these in your city? They are great.

  4. FRESCA writes:

    MICHAEL: Magritte! CLOSE.
    They are figures from the work of his fellow Belgian, Hergé: Tintin characters.
    the green hatted figure is Professor Calculus (in the original French: Tournesol);
    the bowler-hatted figures are Detectives Thomson and Thompson in French: Dupond et Dupont).
    LOVE your guesses about the woman in green--no idea who that is. A YOUNG Miss Froy???
    A Swiss Guard sounds possible... Maybe Kirsten will run into the maker of these dioramas again and can ask!

    SPARKER: They are great, aren't they?
    I wish they were in my city! But the rats would be buried in snow this month... Kirsten lives on the east coast.
