Friday, December 21, 2018

Sleepy Solstice

All is well. It's Solstice! I love my job!
My friend wrote a good, long response to my apology yesterday.  
But I feel like a grumbly sleepy bear, and I really don't want to bike to work in this gray, 23ºF morning. My bike's snow tires make it even less appealing--the added grip means they're slower and harder to pedal.

I want to be at work, I just don't want to have to get there.
I don't want to bus or walk either, but those are my (affordable) options.

I'll bus.
It takes twice as long as biking, because it goes down a busy street and stops at every corner, but I just don't have the oomph to head out into the wind.

I don't have the oomph to write a more interesting blog post in the meantime either. But I figure this represents the sort of everyday grumble you get when you live with someone:
"I don't want to _________ [fill in the blank with some required daily activity]!"

So I'll leave it.

Yes. So... Happy Solstice, everyone! I'll pick up speed once I get going.


  1. Some days are like that- they aren't very interesting!

    Happy Solstice indeed. And a full-moon tonight also.


  2. I figure a dose of public transit at intervals is good for one's character.

  3. KIRSTEN: The day got better I'm happy to say, but yeah... writing about everyday blah-ness is OK!

    SPARKER: I think folks who never take the bus might be amazed to take it once in a while! It's a whole other world. This route especially, can be quite ... lively (for better or worse).
