Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Back to Work, Slowly

I haven't taken advantage of the fact that not only do I not have set days at work, I don't have set hours either, so long as I get my five hours in, four days a week.

In other words, I don't have to run off to work every morning. I can't arrive earlier than ten o'clock anyway, because that's when the doors open.

But I usually aim to get there at ten––which means I often don't leave time to blog in the mornings,which is when I like to best.

So, here it is, ten a.m., and I'm going to take a few minutes to write a little bit, even though I feel like the White Rabbit--late, late.
I'm inspired by the blog I'm newly following--Shadows & Light--because I love how the blogger, Steve, jots down daily stuff--yesterday, that his dog threw up on their new carpet.
I laughed.

Daily doings don't take as much time to write about as some of the stuff I'd like to write about but don't because it takes too much time.

This morning, a show-and-tell.
It's the time of year for oranges, and everything with oranges is beautiful.

This is the table in front of the couch where I'm sitting:

Books make things beautiful too, eh?

Julia dropped by last night, with five minutes notice––not enough time to clean up. 

I knew she wouldn't mind the apartment was a mess (though I'm glad I'd done the dishes–– three days' worth). In fact, when I looked at it this morning I thought, I'd be happy to be the sort of person who makes a mess like this.
And I am!

There! This post took... 15 minutes? I'll get to work at 11ish.
My main intention there is to SLOW DOWN.
Lift one or two books at a time.
There is absolutely no need for rush, and every good reason to pace myself for the long haul.

Oh--one more thing. The Orphan Reds have been calling the new girl Noodle--(I think it's from "new-doll".)
She is a pip! She has them all playing guessing games this morning.
I don't like such games myself, but they are having a ball.


  1. Like grandma said.."the hurrier I go, the behinder I get". Thanks for the post xx

  2. Yesterday I was so behind and just sat down for a minute and said; Whia, this all self imposed! It’s pottery, not world peace, brain surgery or life and death. It was a very small epiphany in a self imposed too busy, too late kind of day ❣️ Love love love that image ❤️

  3. Thanks for reading, GZ!

    SANDY: Your bee & ginkgo mug continues to double as the best photo prop!
    And yes, it's good to keep things in perspective, which can be hard to do when everything's right in your face! aaargh!
