Friday, November 16, 2018

What I'm Reading

I realize now that years ago, when I got rid of most of my books, I pruned too much. 
I need to have piles of many unread books around (Michael blogged a Japanese word for this, which I've forgotten), to dip into. 
I haven't started The Information yet, but I've read (or skimmed) some or all of most of these books now.

The Clock of the Long Now, by Stewart Brand (1999)--about the philosophy behind an attempt to build a 10,000-year clock--meant to inspire people to think long, in deep time. Agriculture/civilization started 10,000 years ago, and we have artifacts from those times, what artifacts will we leave for the future?

Cornel West is too much about Cornel West.

Ditto P.J. O'Rourke-- people trying to be amusing is bad enough in person--it's embarrassing printed on paper. 

With God in Russia--really? You remember what you had for breakfast the day after the KGB arrested you..twenty-five years ago? I don't like fictionalized nonfiction (, which this doesn't even admit it is).

Healthy Aging! Yes! 
Try, try again to eat brightly colored food. FRESH food, NOT Skittles!


  1. And if you are very brave, you can try broccoli rahb or rahv or however it is spelled, but I don't recommend it for the taste.

  2. Fresca, I’d say you’re looking for tsundoku, but you already have it.

  3. SPARKER: I want to try that veg that looks like corkscrew broccoli from outer space. (Looked it up: Romanesco.)

    MICHAEL: That's the word I was looking for!
