Friday, November 2, 2018

Book Title Sentences

Is there a name for these book title pile-ups?
These almost formed themselves, as I shelved books at the store--I only rearranged them a little.


  1. Great selection of book titles! Nina Katchadourian calls it "Sorted Books" and she calls it a riff on what William S. Burroughs called the cut-up method.

    I may have to try the cut-up method.


  2. Sorted Books... Thanks, Kirsten.
    It was YOU telling me about this that got me started!!!

    I guess my "book pile-up" is an OK name too.

    Wow--I have never done the cut-up method, after all these years of working with books & collage.
    I bet psychologically I resisted cutting up book pages---especially when I was young, in pre-internet days... But I am now eager to try it!
    Must do that and post some here!
    If you get any you'd like to share, you could email me them too!

    I've been a little under the weather all weekend so didn't do anything but stay on the couch and read. A nice thing!
