Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Little Reds' Halloween Costumes

It was costume day for dolls, here at the Castle of Toyes.*

My sister (seated), and I, and bink, made Halloween costumes for the Orphan Reds.

Below, L to R: I made the Zorro costume for Red Hair Girl;
Penny Cooper wears Druid priestess garb of brocade and raw silk;
and SweePo won Best Costume for her werewolf, by bink.

Costume parade at the lake:

* The name "Castle of Toyes" comes from Marz mistaking the title she saw on the spine of a book lying around here: Getting Toyes.

In fact, the book was the old chestnut about how to negotiate, getting to yes.


  1. Love the costumes!! And "Toyes!" Wish I had more time to thoughtfully read all your posts, let alone comment. Rich stuff, as always. Thank you!

  2. Thank you, Deanna, for popping in. And back attcha--I read your posts and then put off commenting "until I have more time." Ha! I should just say, "loved it!". XO Fresca
