Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Bedside Table, & Nancy Thinking

Rat Lamp (goes by "Rat Lamp") lives on my bedside table and reads to the others.
Rat Lamp is one of my all-time favorite possessions.
I spent more on it ($110, about twenty years ago) than anything else, except big-ticket items such as my orange couch and my bicycle.

Not directly related, I thought this "Nancy" from yesterday (Oct 8 2018) was pretty brilliant. (I am happy I already have a blog index tag for "thinking".)


  1. Love the lamp. And Babar is there. He was always one of my favorite animals.

    It's amazing how sometimes we spend more than we wanted on something but it comes to be our favorite possession.


  2. Hi, Kirsten!
    That is Mrs. Babar––Celeste. You can't really see it, but she's carrying a purse out of which pokes a baby elephant!

    $110 was a lot of money to me 20 years ago (and still is!), and it felt absurdly overpriced (it was in some upscale lighting store), but I didn't hesitate, I loved Rat Lamp so much--and it has lit my bedside ever since!

  3. Ain’t Nancy great? (As is the lamp.) Olivia Jaimes is taking the kids in new (and old) directions.

  4. and worth every penny! Divide the cost into how many days you have love it....... :)

  5. MICHAEL: I approve of Olivia Jaimes.

    SANDY: Good point!
    20 years x 365 days = 7,300
    110 dollars = 11,000 pennies (right?)
    11,000 divided by 7,300 = 1.5 pennies per day!

