Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Winged Dreamers

McCoy and the wounded Spock dolls, poised for flight on my bookshelf.
I put little toys and tchotchkes on the bookshelves at work too. But people keep messing up my displays by buying things from them.


  1. Oh how customers are the bane of retail displays.

    I love when there are vignettes on display. My local thrift places really don't do much to encourage buying.

    ps Love the rabbit on the lower shelf along with all the rest of the stuff.


  2. Ha! Customers are the bane of retail! :)
    Of course not really, but sometimes I do feel sad to see my things go away...

  3. I'm sorry I can't respond with her with pictures. I wanted to note that the curry comb, in shadow, looks like a goddess figure. Perhaps a Hindu one with many arms...though I was also thinking of some ancient goddesses with only 2 arms raised. I'll send you an image of what I mean.

  4. Oh, wow---one again you point out a detail I didn't see AT ALL!
    Neat, BINK---thanks!!!
