Tuesday, June 19, 2018


When I was a kid, I was envious of the Catholic kids who got rosaries and all sorts of mysterious good stuff, and to this day, any religion that offers good toys and trinkets (or, Art) is going to be dear to my heart. 

Today I had a ball photographing some of the items donated to the Religious Articles Ministry associated with the thrift store. The ministry accepts old Catholic sacramental items and redistributes them through various channels.

Besides being the Book Lady, I'm the (self-appointed) Social Media Raconteur for the thrift store. They have a FB account––
––and even a Twitter, so I hear, but sometimes a whole month will go by with nobody posting--because, my boss says, "Nobody wants to."

Well, I do!
  BELOW: A glow-in-the-dark Lady of Fatima

BELOW: a small St. Christopher for the dashboard of a car,
and a Stations of the Cross medal only a little bit bigger than a U.S. quarter

And a collection of worn, old holy medals strung on a baby-diaper pin. I loved this so much, I asked if I could buy it. The woman in charge said no, they are for giving away--I could have it for free.


  1. That last offers a lot of protection for the space it takes up, and the holder implies something along the lines of becoming as little children, perhaps?

  2. I shall be well protected and childlike!

  3. Love these, especially because they're special to you! Ah, the tangible...

  4. DEANNA: Exactly---the tangible has such... weight!

  5. I'm working on an essay about how plants have given our son something tangible; they give back to him, because they're connected to reality. He recognized this, after going through anxiety in his teens (in this disconnected era). I think your toys fit with this, as well as our Orthodox icons...and I'll be processing thoughts about it for some time...

  6. DEANNA: That is very interesting line of thought---I do think the toys fit in with my attraction to the Catholic Church, and art---and walking on pilgrimage.

    I used to think of myself as philosophical, and I guess I am (I mean, I like to think about things), but the older I get the more I like the tangible world. :)

    I'll be fascinated to read your essay!
