Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Heading Out

I'm posting this at the airport, waiting for my flight--despite snow, it's on schedule.

On the way here, Red Hair Girl was trying to hail a cab, but we took public transit. At the last minute, Kelvin, the cosmonaut, said he wanted to come too--he wants to pay his respects to JFK at Dealey Plaza:
"We choose to go to the Moon and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard..."


  1. Have fun in Dallas! I love that Kelvin, the cosmonaut, is going along with the Red Hair Girl.

    I was in Austin a few weeks ago and incredible to feel warm all the time. Although lots of pollen. Try to catch a glimpse of bluebonnets if you can. Fields of them are incredible. The medians on the highways aren't mowed during wildflower blooming.


  2. looks chilly for Red Hair Girl.
    kelvin should come to Glasgow and see Kelvingrove...

  3. I hope all goes very well for you, Kelvin, and Red Hair Girl!

  4. KIRSTEN: Oh! Those must have been bluebonnets I saw from the city train--beautiful! I was thinking lupines.
    (Oh. Looked them up--bluebonnets are a lupine.)

    GZ: Luckily the toys don't really feel the temps, but I feel cold for her!
    I'd never heard of Kelvingrove--impressive looking place!

    DEANNA: Thanks!

  5. Red Haired Girl needs a Texas outfit now! Cowboy hat? Boots? Vest? Chaps?
