Thursday, March 22, 2018

I am now officially excited about my trip....

Near my bnb, there is a homemade-pie shop.
I'll be in town for 54 hours. How many pieces of pie does that equal?


  1. Food is always a good thing to look forward to on a trip! Especially pie. I think I would take a chocolate cream pie!!!


  2. Yum! Are these pictures from that pie shop or just stand-ins? Maybe there is some Texas pie you've never heard of...or they do classics differently down there. You will have to taste to research!

  3. CROW: That is the correct answer! You win a virtual pie---the idea of a perfect pie for you.

    KIRSTEN: I am going to start with coconut... but not stop there.

    BINK: They are pictures from the pie shop itself.
    I know--I wonder too if there's a Texan pie.
    Calls for research, yes indeed.

  4. Pecan pie is the state pie of Texas. I always try it when eating out especially in Texas as it is a difficult one to make. As a chocolate fanatic, I found Kimball Art Museum used to have chocolate pecan pie on their menu.


  5. KIRSTEN: Ah, pecan will have to be my first piece then. Reports to follow.
