Thursday, March 3, 2016

Leap, Year 55

As of Saturday, I'll have completed 55 years.

I'm pleased because...

1. I had no trouble hiking the 5-mile trail down to Lake Superior.

 [But don't imagine me emerging from the woods onto a wild shore; the trail comes out at a restaurant/bar that specializes in local brews.]

Despite having worries about being heavier and squishier after spending the winter sitting with presidents, I could still chug up rocky hills and down icy slopes, just fine.
I feel I've been let off lightly, with a warning:
Don't take another season off from exercising.

It doesn't matter if I enjoy exercise for its own sake or not. It's not optional at this age.

Also, I'd never hiked in the woods in winter (it's winter up here). Birch and fir and only the sound of your footsteps on bright snow.

2. I just now heard from the publisher that they want to see a full proposal of my Y/A book on fandom! 
This is pretty much a, say, a 95% yes to doing the book. 
This is good work I want to do---thinking and writing about something I care about.

A few things in my life aren't so happy. But that's life, eh?
Let us march forth.


  1. Wow, a very good day(s) indeed!

    Happy Birthday! Happy celebration of a healthy body!

    And...AND!...Congratulations on your 95%+ Fandom book acceptance!

    Woohoo. woohoo, woohoo, Fresca!

  2. Happy pre-birthday! And Here's to good news in all forms.

  3. Happy Birthday! Just ahead of you for birthday, right behind you on years.

  4. Very exciting to have come up with an idea about something you care about, and then to have a positive reception. I'm going to put together a belated birthday package and send it along.

  5. Happy, happy birthday, dear Fresca! Wishing you an interesting and just plain fun year!

  6. Happy (still) pre-Birthday to you! Tomorrow we share the same age number, until May. :)

    Very happy for you to have this publishing possibility. Yay!!

    I'm glad your hike went so well and here's wishing you further inspiring outdoorsy endeavors.

  7. Hi l'astronave,

    Thanks so much for your positive feedback on the egg box rhino, delighted you liked it. I've been pretty lax in checking my new blog comments of late but your mention of how the Bowie "think my spaceship knows which way to go" post help you in some small way at a difficult time meant a lot. I'm glad it did some good, thank you.

  8. Thanks, everyone, for the birthday wishes!

    {And hi, Matt--thanks for visiting!}
