Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A James Bond Pen

This pen [below] came into the Thrift Store, I took it home to research: it's a dove gray Parker "51" with chrome trim, a pen James Bond used in You Only Live Twice, according to a comment on Pen Review.
This one has a little "Ariel" stamped on the body---possibly, then, a "vintage pen made by Ariel Kullock, a very creative collector, restorer, and maker of unique pens (original parts with replacement hoods and barrels) in Buenos Aries, Argentina (where Parker had a factory)." --Info from Pen Hero

Kullock's e-Bay site is full of amazing pen paraphenalia (and pens).

Thrift Herding sure takes me interesting places, and I love that I get to enjoy these objects without the bother of owning them. 

The other two pens I researched for the Thrift Store have both sold, the Lady Capri for $10 and the Eversharp for $25. I'm not sure yet how to price this one---they vary widely. I think I'll contact a collector.


  1. The 51 is a huge pen for pen fanatics. If it has the sac and pressure bar, it’s probably ready to write with some cleaning.

  2. ZHOEN: Yes, thrift herding allows me to satisfy that lust without getting married. :)

    MICAHEL: Cool! Yeah, googling around, I see it has a lot of fans.
    This pen does indeed have it's sac & working pressure bar (though I didn't know what it was called---like a plunger!)---I expect it would write just fine.

    Alas, the name inscribed on its barrel has nothing to do with Ariel Kullman (I e-mailed to check it out), and it only lowers its value---I'll price it at... maybe $7.50 at the store.
