Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Those bloody toddlers...

Hi, kids, today we're going to make a sea of blood!

No, we're not. Even though child-fearing me is desperate for stuff to do with the toddlers when they come visit the old folks twice a week, I am NOT going to make the Ten Plagues of Egypt with them, though I found plenty of ideas on home schooling pinterest pages. 

Really, you can make a sea of blood in your bathtub that would have given me a terror of baths when I was little.
And here, Plague of Flies cupcakes!

This is the hardest part of my job--coming up with toddler activities. The old people love them but aren't able to initiate stuff with them, and I just don't know what kids that age can do.

I turn to the Internet, and have decided that instead of making a plague of frogs out of construction paper (tempting though that one is), damned atheist that I am, we are going to sing "Clap Your Hands" with Pete Seeger, and read a Toot & Puddle book, You Are My Sunshine, and then make a rays-of-sunshine mobile out of construction paper


  1. Your craft ideas definitely shine above the plagues of Egypt. (And I love your title.) My beef with biblical Sunday School was, always, the crafts. Not that people don't get creative...but the educational purpose is lost somehow. Plagues were tragic; they weren't cupcakes!

    I prefer your sunshiny purposes.

  2. My favorite when I was a kid was Michael Row Your Boat Ashore.

    You could make little boats.

  3. There is a great Making Art blog on the Eric Carle Museum website with excellent but simple ideas for art activities.

    It looks like you are brilliant at your new job.

  4. DEANNA: " Plagues were tragic; they weren't cupcakes!"
    Yes! If I were a Christian home-schooler, that's what I'd want to teach: compassion for the sorrows of the world, some of which we even (tragically) bring on ourselves.

    ZHOEN: Hey, yeah! Small boats out of newspaper--that would be fun.

    I am going to help the grown-ups make the Jell-O scented & colored play-dough I found there. Then they can use it to play with the kids, I hope...
