Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My 0.15 Minutes of Fame

People wrote messages to the archbishop on the envelopes holding anti-gay DVDs, before donating them to bink to turn into art. From her DVD to ART blog.

That's me (in part), to the right, in the blue scarf, helping bink (holding sign) and friends collect DVDs outside the Basilica of Saint Mary this past Sunday.

Picture from the Minnesota Public Radio coverage "Artist gathers raw materials, raw emotions with Catholic DVD", by Sasha Aslanian.

This reporter, Sasha, was the best--she spent more time with bink on Sunday than any of the other reporters, and more time talking to parishioners coming and going to church.
She even went into the church after one of the masses and asked Fr. Bauer in person to comment.
He declined.

Click on above link for article and audio. I tried to embed the audio here too:


  1. Kate: Nice audio! And great press all around. Great work Francesca- I'm sure your support-emotional, physical, and spiritul-is pivotal to Lucinda. I applaud you and wish I was Catholic enough to contribute a dvd. I have encouraged my Catholic friends to pass them your way.

  2. what a great project. turning hate into art. the other cheek indeed.

  3. I like the gentleness - the care not to trespass, the "making space" within art, the expressions of differing opinions un-scarily, the coffee and donuts shared. That is a communion of kindness.

  4. One of your returners was so enthusiastic they broke into FanSpeak:
    "I am sicken"!

    And then there's Jesus with the *facepalm*

  5. I agree that the MPR reporter gets binky.

    They also captured her beautiful self better than any other news photo did.

  6. Hey, everybody!
    Sorry I've been dropping off on responding to everyone individually. I used to wonder why every blogger didn't respond to every comment, but now I know how it can get on top of you...
    Anyway, I always read and appreciate every comment---thank you!

    In general blogging too feels to me, as Emma says, a communion of kindness.
