Friday, December 18, 2009

A Very Herring Christmas

PLOT (as described on youTube): "A Finnish curmudgeon's careless comment at Christmas casts two Baltic herring into an existential dither." The Fly Off The Wall Films production of this 2-minute Christmas message was meant to be a breeze; but it turned out to be waaaaaay more work even than potato print Christmas cards. Still, with massive editing effort on bink's part, we find the result to be a pleasing light romp, with none of the disturbing onscreen violence of our Easter flick, Peeps Blow Up. A huge thank you to the many people who helped create this flick. Best wishes to everyone at Christmas. And Happy Solstice! As Goethe said (on his deathbed), "More light!"


  1. My heart is warmed. I liked the clattering fins.

  2. I'm glad to hear it, ArtS...
    Amazing the sound effects you can get with tin foil!

  3. lovely Christmas tale . . .
    from an authentic Finlander

  4. You are welcome Ms. Fresca/Francesca.

  5. What fun. Really nice costumes and look. I needed something lighthearted, so thanks for the cheer, and a very jolly holly Christmas to you.

  6. We (Fly Off The Wall) sent it out on e-mail, and I'm tickled to hear back that people are liking its lightheartedness. I really wasn't sure, so I'm extra glad.

  7. Well...Carpe Carpio!

    Very funny... and I say again: Who knew Herring lead such interesting lives?

    A special award is due for costume, surely...

  8. Thanks, Manfred!
    I'm thrilled people are liking the costumes because the damn things took forever to make--cutting out all those little silver scales etc.
    And by the way, *your* objection to being cast (theoretically) by size as a pike was the inspiration behind the line, "I'm a herring trapped in a pike's body."
