Friday, November 27, 2009

365: Family Fish

What a day! I (below, left) spent the morning making Finnish cinnamon rolls and pressing my father (in town for T'giving) and sister--all of us here with paper seaweed draped on our heads--into helping me with last minute herring costume adjustments. Then filmed the first scene of Herring for Christmas (working title) in the afternoon.


  1. Oooooh I like those herring! Very cool.

  2. Thanks. Personally, I will be glad to see the last of them! Luckily a friend who teaches small wild children will take the masks for them.

  3. Los pescados son muy bonito!

  4. Those fish have personality! And I delight in the wall behind. I firmly believe that walls and cars owned by artists should be painted to the hilt!

  5. I dig the fish! But mostly I want to mention that when I saw your "T'giving," I thought it was some Vulcan female name... :)

    Word identification: "Slach." Oh, so close...

  6. Clair: If I had a car, I'd for sure decorate it like crazy and enter it in the Art Car parade here.

    JEN: Ha! That's great. A Vulcan name. Right... never thought of that.
    T'giving is the sister of Slahck.
