Monday, July 13, 2009

365 - 42: Summertime


  1. LOL! I love it! Does this mean you have re-virgined? And don't tell me you didn't think of it.

  2. Um, well, actually, Nancy, I didn't think of that meaning!
    Funnily enough.
    With this project, sometimes I'm just thinking about the visuals, unusually for word-oriented me, and I'd just been thinking I wanted to include more of my body than my face, hands, and feet but wasn't sure how. After I bought the cherries the other day I thought, great, I can use them. Of course I know they're, you know... not neutral, but I wasn't thinking of them as a pun.

  3. Just saw this picture LOL! wonderful!

  4. Great photo! I've not visited in a while... looks like I've lots to catch up on, looks like you are tenacious in following your intentions. I wish I could be so true to my desires...

    word verification - hypers

    I would normally dive right in to repair the mucked up innards of your secret, high-tech, steam-driven Euclidean geometry equipment, but I left my hypers on my bedside table.

  5. I'm glad people like this photo--I wasn't sure of it myself. Not really the usual snapshot...

    Lovely to see you, Bianca!
    If I seem tenacious, this is a webby illusion, let me assure you! Hmm... though I suppose a refusal to do things I don't want to do manifests mulelike tenacity --even being threatened with hypers won't budge that mule toward the mill.
