Friday, July 4, 2008

"Middle Ages Tech Support"

Since I am always saying we are living in the same sort of confusion as people in Gutenberg's era, Stef sent me this funny youTube on that subject: Middle Ages Tech Support (2:25 sec.).

And since I am having a heck of a time getting my second video to upload to youTube (failed once, is taking a worryingly long time this time), today was the perfect day to get it. I'm hoping my problem is as simple as getting turned around with the concept "turn the pages."


  1. That's a great video! So true! I think tech support for scrolls must have been even more difficult... getting people to transition to long rolled up scrolls from the very straightforward cuniform that must have been a chore!

  2. I was sent this by a librarian a while ago, and LMAO for about 20 minutes. Then it got taken down. I'm so glad to see it back! There is a great moment in the movie Wall-E that clearly references this bit.

  3. Where, where, where does WALL-E reference this??? Tell, tell!

  4. Oh my god, this is perfect. Thanks for the tip. (Did you see there's a British version, too? It's five minutes, so I didn't have the patience to watch the whole thing.)
